Chandigarh December 4: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) has arrested one more absconding accused woman agent Sapna, resident of Vijay Nagar, Jalandhar, who colluded with Motor Vehicle Inspector (MVI), Jalandhar Naresh Kaler in the vehicle fitness certificates scam.
The VB has confiscated his mobile phone and SIM card which would be sent to data experts to gather more information about this scam.
Disclosing this here today, a spokesperson of the VB said the Bureau had conducted a surprise check in the office of MVI, Jalandhar and exposed an organized corruption for issuing/receiving fitness certificates without conducting inspection of commercial and private vehicles on a large scale in connivance with private agents.
Giving details, he further added that the VB on the basis of sufficient evidence registered a case No 14 dated 23-08-2022 under section 7, 7A of prevention of corruption act and 420, 120-B of IPC at VB police station Jalandhar. I
n this case total 10 accused have already been arrested and in the jail which includes Naresh Kaler, Rampal alias Radhe, Mohan Lal alias Kalu, Paramjit Singh Bedi, Surjit Singh, Harvinder Singh, Pankaj Dhingra @ Bholu, Brijpal Singh @ Ricky, Arvind Kumar @ Bindu and Varinder Singh @ Deepu (All private agents). Further investigation of this case was under progress and the remaining absconding accused would be arrested soon, he added.