Home NEWS Industries Department organises awareness programme on SIDBI

Industries Department organises awareness programme on SIDBI


Chandigarh, December 3: The department of Industries & Commerce, Punjab in collaboration with SIDBI organized an Awareness Programme about SIDBI schemes for MSMSEs, TReDS Scheme and Solar power on 2nd December 2022 at Mohali Industries Association Bhawan. Principal Secretary, Department of Industries and Commerce, Punjab Dilip Kumar presided over the event as chief Guest.

On this occasion, Principal Secretary informed that Punjab Govt has signed MOU with SIDBI to help MSMEs in obtaining benefits of various schemes of SIDBI and other GOI schemes. He urged the Industry to come forward to avail benefits of these schemes and assured all possible support from the state government.

Meanwhile, General Manager, SIDBI explained various schemes available for MSMEs & RXIL highlighted benefits of TReDS platform.Team of Tata power explained features of solar powers being installed by Tata Group in the state leading to use of Green energy under the schemes of SIDBI.

The event saw participation by Officers Deptt of Industries and Commerece Punjab, SIDBI and 100 plus MSMEs from District SAS Nagar, Roopnagar, Patiala, Fatehgarh Sahib and SBS Nagar.

