Friday, June 14, 2024

Modi should also hold meetings with struggling farmers similar as elite Sikhs : Bibi Rajwinder Kaur Raju


Chandigarh, April 30 : Scoffing at the unusual meetings being hosted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence for the past few months with prominent religious, political and social Sikh figures including former bureaucrats and prominent Sikhs from across the country and abroad, Mahila Kisan Union President Bibi Rajwinder Kaur Raju said the PM Modi, who has been in power for a decade, had not held a single such direct meeting or discussion with the struggling farmers of the nation for their betterment, as a result, there was great anger and resentment among the toiling community and farm workers.

Expressing these view in a statement on Friday, the Mahila Kisan Union President Bibi Rajwinder Kaur Raju said the Modi government had not fulfilled even a single clause of the written agreement officially signed with the Sanyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) to suspend the historic farmers’ agitation held at Delhi borders. “Consequently, the SKM had already warned the BJP led central dispensation to launch the second phase of ‘Kisan Andolan’.

Women farmer leader contended that the PM and BJP, apprehending to face the anger of farmers, was striving hard to thwart such possible movement with a deliberate divisive political ploy on a script written by right winger party. “Therefore, he was inviting some social and religious figures, ‘Babas’, businessmen and retired ‘Babus’ from Punjab and Delhi including abroad, who have personal ambitions, so that they shouldn’t not come forward to offer any support to farmers agitation in future”, she alleged.

Referring it as a disgraceful conspiracy, farmer leader Bibi Raju said such ‘Babas’ and ‘Babus’ would no longer be perceptible in the face of fierce winds of struggle to be launched for the rights of toiling community as people from all walks of life with a clear conscience were ready to give their full support to the coming farmers’ resistance and it would trash all such ‘substitutes’ of the saffron party. “So Modi government should immediately accept all the demands of the SKM and not force the farmers to launch the second phase of the agitation”, She cautioned.

She added that as PM has been propagating slogans like ‘Kisan Samridh & Desh Majboot’ and approachable for farmers at a distance of single phone call, the women leader Bibi Raju asked to the Prime Minister to come out of the clutches of his subordinate bureaucrats, inexperienced politicians and non-farming ministers and to implement all the clauses of the written agreement signed with the SKM. “He should Immediately hold high level meeting with main leaders of Kisan Morcha for better development of agriculture sector and comprehensive upliftment of farming community thereby healing the wounds and atrocious treatment done on farmers by BJP governments and BJP workers in the past” she wished-for.



Punjabi Khurki
Punjabi Khurki
Punjab is no longer just a state but a State of Mind: A way to live!! ...So Let's Burrraaah with Punjabi Khurki!

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