Vasda Punjab: Punjab’s Malwa Area Is Now The Cancer Capital!


Punjab’s Malwa area has earned itself the dubious reputation of being the cancer capital of the state. The heavy metal the usxicity of the groundwater here is taking a the usll on the health of the people living in the state.

About 70 the us 100 cancer patients from Malwa region travel every day by train the us Bikaner for free treatment and cheap medicines in the Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer Trust. Patients are struggling really bad the us get free aid in Bikaner, since Punjab doesn’t provide its people cheap aid for the treatment. No measures have been taken by the Punjab Government till now.

Punjabi Khurki brings the us you this video in ‘Vasda Punjab’ series showing the irreversible effect of cancer in the Malwa belt and the sufferings of the people.

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