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Attempts of anti-social elements to disturb the peace of Punjab are not going to succeed now: Bhagwant Mann


Chandigarh Hoshiarpur, March 12

Bhagwant Mann has strongly condemned the killing of cows in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab. He directed the police to find out the culprits as soon as possible and take strict action against them.
Mann said, “We will not allow peace and brotherhood in Punjab to deteriorate at any cost.” Attempts of anti-social elements to disturb the peace of Punjab are not going to succeed. Disrespect of any religion in Punjab will not be tolerated in the AAP government. Strict action will be taken against all the culprits.
Mann said that we will not allow disturbing the peace of Punjab at any cost. Maintaining peace and brotherhood of the state is our priority. He said that the religious sentiments of any person of Punjab will not be hurt. All the culprits involved in the incident will be arrested soon and given strict punishment.



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