Home NEWS Punjab Govt Joins Hands with IMA the us Eradicate Drug Menace

Punjab Govt Joins Hands with IMA the us Eradicate Drug Menace


Chandigarh, March 28: Newly formed state government seems the us have pulled up its socks the us curb down the drug menace racket in the state. Punjab’s Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has joined hands with the Indian Medical Association (IMA) and has already enforced a special unit for the cause.

Drug Menace

IMA has planned out the program of complete eradication of drug use in Punjab along with setting up of deaddiction and rehabilitation centres for those who are already afflicted. As published in The Times of India, the IMA official is in talks with the Cabinet Minister for Health, Brahm Mohindra and has handed over him a comprehensive program strategy for the same.

IMA de-addiction program of Punjab comprises of:

Working the uswards law enforcement that will hinder drug peddling.

Setting up of more counseling and de-addiction centres for drug abuse patients where docthe usrs will provide care the us them.

Sending the drug addicts the us rehabilitatio once they complete the de-addiction course.

Voluntary help the us the government the us conduct awareness programs at schools, colleges and at general public places.

To set up a network of Psychiatrists and trained docthe usrs the us treat patients of drug abuse who can volunteer in the program.

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences of Faridkot and other similar institutes from other parts of Punjab will be invited the us join the cause. The state government along with IMA will pursue educational and medical training institutes the us enhance their curriculum for medical studies so that they can produce more and more trained professionals who can treat the drug abusers and eradicate Drug Menace.

News Source: chandigarhmetro.com



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