Home INDIA ‘Is this in Latin’: SC on Himachal High Court’s incomprehensible order

‘Is this in Latin’: SC on Himachal High Court’s incomprehensible order


New Delhi, January 17: The Supreme Court on Monday took exception to a 2017 verdict of the Himachal Pradesh High Court after it failed to comprehend the language used by the high court.

“Is this in Latin? We may have to send it back to the High Court for it to be re-written,” said a Bench led by Justice KM Joseph while adjourning the matter for further hearing on January 24.

“We are unable to understand a word,” said senior advocate Nidhesh Gupta agreeing with Justice Joseph.

This is not for the first time that the Supreme Court has faced such a problem.

In 2017, it was forced to set aside a Himachal Pradesh High Court verdict for its sheer inability to comprehend it due to poor quality of language in a tenant-landlord dispute.

Such was the quality of the English language used in the Himachal Pradesh High Court’s verdict that even the lawyers representing both the parties had failed to understand or assist the judges understand it.



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